Principles of development information system for forecasting development of infrastructure in tourism


  • Ярослав Ігорович Виклюк PHEE "Bukovynian University" Golovna str., 204В/14, Chernivtsy, Ukraine, 58020, Ukraine
  • Богдан Миколайович Гаць Center of Information Technology Chernivtsy Trade and Economics Institute Nezalezhnosti avenue, 78/28, Chernivtsy, Ukraine, 58005, Ukraine



IS, knowledge base, geographic information system (GIS)


Structure of information systems (IS) for infrastructure forecasting in the tourism industry was proposed and required components were defined. Data flow diagram of IS top level were constructed and parts of IS were described in details

Author Biographies

Ярослав Ігорович Виклюк, PHEE "Bukovynian University" Golovna str., 204В/14, Chernivtsy, Ukraine, 58020

Doctor of Sciences, professor of computer systems and technologies department, vice-principal of the scientific work and international communications

Богдан Миколайович Гаць, Center of Information Technology Chernivtsy Trade and Economics Institute Nezalezhnosti avenue, 78/28, Chernivtsy, Ukraine, 58005

Ph. D. candidate of Kyiv Trade and Economics University


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How to Cite

Виклюк, Я. І., & Гаць, Б. М. (2012). Principles of development information system for forecasting development of infrastructure in tourism. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(2(55), 19–23.



Information technology